Meet Jess Beard.

She keeps it real on-the-daily. She’s a mom of five & your new favorite Life Consultant.

A little bit about Jess.

Hi, I’m Jess. I’ve had to work through quite a bit of pain in my life. When I was growing up, there was a lot of chaos in my home. My parents divorced when I was nine; my mom turned to alcohol and my dad turned to the church. Both left me feeling extremely abandoned in different ways. My mom passed away when I was seventeen, and I didn’t know how to feel pain, so I buried it instead and tried to find the silver lining. As much as I tried not to follow in the footsteps of my mom, that focus ironically led to me mimicking her actions, and in my pain I turned to alcohol which lead to me making some very poor decisions of my own.

My husband and I got married when we were twenty, and both coming from broken homes, we didn’t have a great tool set going into marriage. My husband had a brain tumor (which he was later healed from) and that caused a lot of issues in our marriage. Because of shame, I didn’t want to get the help that we desperately needed. After a night of heavy drinking to avoid my pain, I ended up cheating on my husband.

We decided to work through things, but we tried to do it on our own terms without letting anyone else help. We tried to bury that mess as far down as we could… until we couldn’t bury it anymore. In the last few years, my husband confessed, that his pain was so great that it drove him to also cheat on me several times while he was away traveling for work.

While this was the most painful, devastating news I have ever received, it was the beginning of our journey toward a whole healthy marriage. It allowed us to dig up the past and let the light hit every part of our story and stop hiding in shame. We learned what forgiveness actually looks like and that it has a cost, we have learned to feel our pain and communicate about it, and this summer we will be celebrating nineteen years of marriage.

My life has been transformed through the help of life consulting, and that is why I am so passionate about walking with others as they learn to let the light of love shine on all the places that felt safer to keep in darkness. Shame and judgment were close friends of mine, but learning to listen to the voice of unconditional love has slowly been replacing their harsh voices.

Learning to live from connection and love is transforming my marriage and my family. I no longer have to pass down the mess of my pain to my 5 kids, but I get to help them learn to create space for their feelings, process their pain, and connect to love, and I look forward to helping you do the same!